
Download MyPaint 2.0.1 - Free image editing and drawing program - Kingdownload.Net on Windows

MyPaint is an easy and fast open source graphics application for digital graphic artists. It helps y..

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MyPaint is an easy and fast open source graphics application for digital graphic artists. It helps you focus on the art instead of the program. You'll be working on your own canvas so there won't be any distractions, the interface is available just when you need it.
License: Free
Released: Sean J MacIsaac
Request: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10
Last updated: 28-09-2021
OS: Window
Version: 2.0.1
Total download: 1182
Capacity: 93,3 MB

How to use MyPaint

MyPaint is an easy and fast open source graphics application for digital graphic artists. It helps you focus on the art instead of the program. You'll be working on your own canvas so there won't be any distractions, the interface is available just when you need it.

MyPaint has many materials for you to choose to use for your work. Each material has its own special features to make your work more beautiful. The classified materials are easy to see and easy to find and use them.

MyPaint - Download

You will also be able to put some windows always on top (On top must be) for ease of use. You will be able to select colors using "color circle" or "color triangle" like other graphics software. You will also be able to draw many lines very easily by holding down the Shift key.


  • Software for Windows and GNU/Linux OS
  • The user interface is simple and simplified to avoid distracting users.
  • The software that supports the brush system is very diverse, and it is very easy for users to create their own brushes.
  • No material restrictions (you never have to resize).
  • Supports basic classes.

MyPaint comes with a large collection of brushes including charcoal and ink to simulate the most realistic painting, the software also allows you to experiment with your own brush patterns but it will not be complete. all natural. Before starting to implement the idea you should read the quick guide to know how to use the program. You will also be able to access the MyPaint Wiki.

Some pictures drawn with MyPaint

MyPaint - Download

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