
Download Declare domestic movement - Website Suckhoe.DancuQuocgia.Gov.vn. on Online

Declaration system for domestic movement is a covid declaration system of the Ministry of Public Sec..

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Declaration system for domestic movement is a covid declaration system of the Ministry of Public Security to manage the mobility of citizens in epidemic areas and the management of vaccination against Covid-19 in association with data exploitation of the national database on population and residence database. Besides that, you will also be able to use the VNeID app to declare domestic moves on mobile.
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Last updated: 20-09-2021
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How to use Suckhoe.DancuQuocgia.Gov.vn

Declaration system for domestic movement is a covid declaration system of the Ministry of Public Security to manage the mobility of citizens in epidemic areas and the management of vaccination against Covid-19 in association with data exploitation of the national database on population and residence database. Besides that, you will also be able to use the VNeID app to declare domestic moves on mobile.

People will make declarations The information on Inland movement declaration system - Medical declaration will be checked against the national population database. The goal of population mobility management through this control will be to promptly track the movement of citizens when required, based on information about permanent, temporary residence, departure and arrival places when citizens declare. , citizen's information will be sent to the ward/commune police via the residential data system for the police to manage and monitor.

Mobility declaration system domestic transfer also manages nationwide vaccination information data and analyzes the percentage of citizens certified for vaccination to guide vaccine import, economic development in the period Covid-19 epidemic is complicated.

Through the centralized management of residential mobility of c People across the country, the system will give the F1's travel schedule accurately, helping professional units quickly locate and trace. Besides, this declaration will solve the problem of traffic jams at quarantine checkpoints at the gateways of cities.

People declare personal and medical information in advance. At home, the system allows people to export/save the QR code so that when passing through the checkpoint, just present this code for the officer to scan the code.















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