
Download Google Contacts - Access Google Contacts online - Kingdownload.Net on Web

Google Contacts is one of the most commonly used contact management tools today. An essential part o..

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Google Contacts is one of the most commonly used contact management tools today. An essential part of the Google Workspace web application suite, this tool helps to store and organize contact information for both personal and work purposes.
License: Free
Released: Google
Request: N/A
Last updated: 14-02-2022
OS: Window
Version: N/A
Total download: 758
Capacity: N/A

How to use Google Contacts


Google Contacts is one of the most commonly used contact management tools today. An essential part of the Google Workspace web application suite, this tool helps to store and organize contact information for both personal and work purposes.

Google Contacts is a commonly used contact management tool

Google Contacts is a commonly used contact management tool

About introduce Google Contacts

If your business uses GSuite - including Gmail as its email server - you'll be able to use Google Contacts as a contact repository for its organization. The tool is free to use and works well with other Google apps, so it's a popular choice for small businesses that want a simple tool for managing contacts.

Google Contacts Connected to Google Gmail

Google Contacts Connected with Google Gmail

Google Contacts is built to provide quite a few fields of information, segmentation options to organize and manage data for contacts - both on the email inbox and on the phone. Contacts will be automatically added to Google Contacts from your Gmail, but you will also be able to edit, add, and create new contacts manually.

Each contact record includes basic information

Each contact record Contact information includes basic information

Each contact record includes basic information such as first name, last name, job title, email address, phone number and company. You'll also be able to add notes about a contact, as well as create labels to separate contacts into small groups. Labels are also handy for dividing contacts into groups that are meaningful to your business, such as New Leads, Leads, and Customers.

The labels are also handy for separating contacts

Labels are also handy for dividing contacts

Calculation main function of Google Contacts

  • Sort, review, and merge your contacts.
  • Create a personal mailing list.
  • Quickly send messages to the groups of people you contact most without having to enter their addresses.
  • With Google Contacts, it's really easy to save the whole t Contact information in one place and reach many people at once.















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