
Download KB Piano - Application to play Piano on computer on Windows

KB Piano is a virtual piano player software. Just press the keyboard keys and you will hear the pian..

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KB Piano is a virtual piano player software. Just press the keyboard keys and you will hear the piano sounds coming out of your speakers.
License: Free
Released: Gabriel Fernandez
Request: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
Last updated: 08-02-2022
OS: Window
Version: 2.5.1
Total download: 839
Capacity: 11,8 MB

How to use KB Piano

KB Piano is a virtual piano player software. Just press the keyboard keys and you will hear the piano sounds coming out of your speakers.

KB Piano is a part. Simple yet powerful software that allows configuration to play music using other instrument sounds such as piano, guitar or violin. With many useful tools and features, KB Piano will help you practice and play your favorite Piano songs easily.

Key features of KB Piano pc piano software

  • 128 instrument sounds
  • Play chords with 1 key, using Qchords
  • Play in different styles even if you're not very knowledgeable about music theory
  • Up to 99 channels
  • Add a track and record audio from your mic
  • Easily correct errors in Tracks with Events Editor
  • Share a track by saving it as .midi, .wma, .wav , these files can be played on most computers
  • Add music from Midi files
  • Customizable keyboard
  • Add effects to channels

KB Piano 2.5.1 - Download for PC Free
Virtual piano software interface KB Piano

After you have successfully installed it, KB Piano PC will show you the key combinations to use automatically. manipulate into a complete song. The program consists of 3 frames, the Keyboard allows you to work with accompaniment through the keyboard, the Channel list allows you to manipulate the output of the audio channels (this parameter should be left as the program's default) and the Recorder section helps you record the song that you have accompaniment to.

The most outstanding feature of KB Piano Free is the built-in Qchords tool that allows you to play chords with just a single key press. If you play more than one instrument, you don't have to worry, Qchords will make it sound even better.

If you have a little piece of music and want to record it, KB Piano includes all the tools needed to create professional-quality music. Record using 99 channels and correct mistakes in your music with the full-featured editor.

Plus, KB Piano includes a quick tutorial, so you'll be able to learn how To create your own music in just a few minutes.

In short, KB Piano is a pc piano software with many features and tools to help you accompaniment to your favorite music. Like or create your own sounds. Download KB Piano to improve your piano playing.















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