
Download Mini Mini Farm for Android 5.8 - Cute mini island farm game on Android

Mini Mini Farm is a farm game where you build farm on your own island, bit by bit every day at your ..

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Mini Mini Farm is a farm game where you build farm on your own island, bit by bit every day at your own pace.
License: Free
Released: CoffeeBreak
Request: Android 4.4
Last updated: 22-07-2022
OS: Android
Version: 5.8
Total download: 688
Capacity: N/A

How to use Mini Mini Farm - Android


Mini Mini Farm is a farm game where you build farm on your own island, bit by bit every day at your own pace.

Farm, improve a land so you'll be able to live with your family in game Mini Mini Farm

Farm, improve 1 land so you will be able to live with your family in Mini game Mini Farm

Take requests from the villagers, earn money and explore the island to learn its secrets, develop the land for future inhabitants.

  • A farming game cute graphics charming pixel.
  • Easy to play, one-handed game.
  • Perfect game to play in your spare time, short leisure time.

Story in the game Mini Mini Farm

A long time ago, when the land where humans lived was relatively few and far apart, you would be taken to work. work on a remote, unspoiled island, far from your loved ones.

Now your job is to earn money to meet everyone's requirements, besides find resources, build houses in this strange land, all with the aim of developing this place into a place for all to live and reside.

With that, you dream of one day being reunited with your family and living happily with them…

Explore the wilderness, full of secrets

Explore the wild, secret lands

Features of Mini Mini Farm game for Android

  • Playing games not presure. You will be relaxed while enjoying the life of a farmer on the island.
  • Play the game easily and progress in short bursts, killing time effectively.
  • Playing foreign games line. You will be able to play at your favorite speed.
  • Simple but addictive.
  • Enjoy and completely free to play.

Gather resources needed for island development

Gather required resources for island development

How to play Mini Mini Farm

All you need to do to get most things done in Mini Mini Farm is a simple swipe on the screen, or a light touch.

  • Move around: Swipe across the screen.
  • Cut down a tree: Move to the side of a tree.
  • Break: Move next to a rock.
  • Plow the field: Stand next to the field.

When you want to interact with anything in this game, all you have to do is move your own character next to it and he will start working on his own. Mini Mini Farm is designed so that you will be able to play completely with one hand, allowing you to play games anytime, anywhere.















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