
Download Font Unitapviet - Create fonts to practice writing for elementary students on Windows

Font Unitapviet is a set of writing fonts for elementary students . The Unitapviet Font set supports..

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Font Unitapviet is a set of writing fonts for elementary students . The Unitapviet Font set supports Vietnamese with very soft handwriting similar to the handwriting practice of grade 1 students. Download Font Unitapviet to have a set of Vietnamese fonts to practice writing to create your own pages. write and write for free.
License: Free
Released: Dzunglee
Request: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
Last updated: 13-06-2022
OS: Window
Version: N/A
Total download: 753
Capacity: 1 MB

How to use Font Unitapviet


Font Unitapviet is a set of writing fonts for elementary students . The Unitapviet Font set supports Vietnamese with very soft handwriting similar to the handwriting practice of grade 1 students. Download Font Unitapviet to have a set of Vietnamese fonts to practice writing to create your own pages. write and write for free.

Everybody must have used the coloring books when starting grade 1. However, with the Font Unitapviet we will be able to create our own coloring pages. It could be letters but it could also be a phrase, a sentence, etc. in the way I expect to print for my child immediately.

Let children practice writing letters with UNI font Practice writing

Besides the Vietnamese font set such as Unicode, the full set of Vni fonts, etc., the Font Unitapviet set is the font set that should be on your pc. This font set is also fully compatible with Unikey or Vietkey's code.

With self-created writing exercises, you will help children enjoy learning and Sometimes you can even save a little money to buy coloring books with children who are eager to learn. In addition, you will be able to download Font for elementary writing practice, which has many Fonts according to the standards of the Ministry of Education and Training for children to practice.

As you can see in the image above, all the letters are drawn with dashed lines (for children to follow) and are shaped according to the primary school writing standards issued by the BGD.

With the UNITapviet font set, you can

  • Create large-format letter recognition lessons for your child to write along
  • Easily reprint the words children have written over and over again. bad to practice writing more, that means you save 1 money.
  • Create writing exercises that are children's names, relatives' names... or anything close to them and meaningful to children; create excitement for children in writing lessons at home.


Instructions to practice writing letters at home with UNI Tapviet font

Step 1: Download the full set of UNI Fonts Write files at Download.com.vn or download each component in turn. The full set of UNI Tapviet Fonts includes:

  • Sample writing exercises with font (bai_mau.doc)
  • Screen guide images (nethd.zip)
  • Font UNI Tapviet 1.0 - no grid (UNITapviet_0_ly.ttf)
  • Font UNI Tapviet 1.0 - letters above the line oly - 5 cell font size (UNITapviet_5_ly.ttf)

Step 2 : Extract the file UNI-Tapviet.zip to get the above 5 components, you need to extract the whole file nethd.zip to get the set of orientation images how to write each letter write UNITapviet" alt="Set of pictures on how to write UNITapviet" width="650" height="414" class="lazy" src="https://i.rada.vn/data/image/2015/11/28/UNITapviet1.gif">
Pictures on how to write UNITapviet

Step 3: Open file bai_mau .doc with an office application on your pc, edit the upper handwriting according to each letter you want. If you want to change the text guide image, you can get it from the unzipped image set above (nethd.zip)

Change the content of the writing practice page according to you want
Change the content of the writing practice page as you please you















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