
Download obimy for Android 2.3.6 - Application to send interesting emotions - Kingdownload.Net on Android

obimy is an entertainment application that helps you express your feelings yourself effectively, bes..

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obimy is an entertainment application that helps you express your feelings yourself effectively, besides welcoming the feelings and emotions of others in the most authentic and enjoyable way. you'll be able to hug, kiss, touch someone you haven't seen in a long time and much more, because sometimes words aren't enough to express feelings.
License: Free
Released: obimy
Request: Android 5.0
Last updated: 26-04-2022
OS: Android
Version: 2.3.6
Total download: 831
Capacity: 25 MB

How to use obimy - Android


obimy is an entertainment application that helps you express your feelings yourself effectively, besides welcoming the feelings and emotions of others in the most authentic and enjoyable way. you'll be able to hug, kiss, touch someone you haven't seen in a long time and much more, because sometimes words aren't enough to express feelings.

Obimy makes it easier to express your feelings

Send some love

Obimy makes it easier for you to express your feelings

Send your feelings you through gestures such as kissing, hugging, biting… anything you give is difficult to express in words. This is a new simple way to interact, connect with your partner, friends or loved ones without having to say a word. Connect yourself with the people you love.

Download the obimy app for Android

  • Share your mood so your loved ones know how you feel. me right now.
  • Know how your loved ones feel through numbers like heart rate, steps (via HealthKit).
  • Gift giving: Know your love How big are your loved ones.
  • If you can't talk about your own feelings, now you can.

Know the feelings and emotions of others

Apps for lovers

Application for long-distance lovers, knowing the feelings and emotions of others

Features of obimy app

  • Free app .
  • Many actions, gestures for you to send to your partner.
  • Beautiful and easy to use interface.
  • Mood tracking, rhythm heart and footsteps of the opponent.
  • App is ad-free.

With these features, obimy is a great app for couples in long-distance love. Or when angry, send the other person a slap. Interact with friends, family, and colleagues in a new way that will surprise them.















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