
Download TPBank Biz for Android 4.0.6 - Banking application exclusively for businesses on Android

TPBank Biz for Android is the exclusive TPBank e-banking application for Business

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TPBank Biz for Android is the exclusive TPBank e-banking application for Business
License: Free
Released: TPBank
Request: Android 5.0
Last updated: 15-03-2022
OS: Android
Version: 4.0.6
Total download: 767
Capacity: 1,3 MB

How to use TPBank Biz - Android

TPBank Biz for Android is the exclusive TPBank e-banking application for Business. Along with a personal account on the TPBank Mobile application, the TPBank Biz application for Android is installed by the business to manage the cash flow of the business in the most detailed way. Download TPBank Biz app for Android to quickly make quick online transactions for each business.

Main function of TPBank Biz banking application for Android

  • View, open and finalize savings.
  • Transfer money inside and outside Tien Phong Bank system.
  • Pay for services such as: Import and export tax domestic tax...
  • View account information and transaction history.
  • View loan and guarantee information.
  • Look up information about TPBank's transaction points, ATM locations accepting TPBank cards.
  • Look up exchange rates and interest rates quickly.

Ngân hàng điện tử TPBank Biz mang lại cho khách hàng nhiều tiện ích - Nhịp  sống kinh tế Việt Nam & Thế giới

TPBank Biz for Android allows corporate customers to perform banking transactions on mobile smartphones. This version significantly improves over the previous version and becomes unique and newer when compared to existing services on the market, faster transaction processing speed.

With speed processing quickly, minimizing transaction execution time for customers. This version brings more improvements, meeting up to 5 levels of transaction approval in the same business, sending notifications to reviewers via email, SMS every time a new transaction arises to ensure safety.

Tienphongbank has unified all versions of eBank, customers are free to use example all features on all devices. Moreover, TPBank Biz also helps businesses make import-export and domestic tax payment transactions right on their favorite phone.

With this app, just on your mobile phone, you will be able to do all your banking transactions anytime, anywhere where you don't have to go directly to the bank anymore.

New feature on TPBank Biz application

  • Update UIUX: friendly interface, modern design modern, easy to use.
  • Browse transactions on eBank conveniently, quickly, anytime, anywhere.
  • Update new features: LC, credit, service tags,...
  • Optimal security for businesses.















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