
iKill - Software to prevent viruses from spreading via USBon Windows

Currently, USB removable storage devices are very close to users. Compact, cheap and especially effe..
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Currently, USB removable storage devices are very close to users. Compact, cheap and especially effective when it is necessary to share data in working environments such as offices, schools... However, these devices are also becoming a concern when they cause the most difficulties. with users because of the virus problem. Among the many ways to prevent viruses from infecting USB, iKill is a relatively useful tool.
License: Free
Released: ArpanTECH
Request: Windows NT/2000/XP/7
Last updated: 11-09-2021
OS: Window
Total download: 2820
Capacity: 441,2 KB

How to use iKill

About iKill

Currently, USB removable storage devices are very close to users. Compact, cheap and especially effective when it is necessary to share data in working environments such as offices, schools... However, these devices are also becoming a concern when they cause the most difficulties. with users because of the virus problem. Among the many ways to prevent viruses from infecting USB, iKill is a relatively useful tool.

iKill 3.2.0 Free Download - FreewareFiles.com - Security/Privacy Category


The phone can be a USB flash drive, an iPod, an mp3 player, a smartphone. All of them can contain data and also carry... viruses. When connecting the computer, whenever the user double-clicks on the device, the virus or trojan will execute itself thanks to the autorun.inf file. Or, they also have the ability to hide when we use normal operations like Open, Explore, Search etc.. others also use control commands to interfere with the system like shell\Explore\command = virus. exe.

When you right-click on the device icon, select Explore, the virus.exe file will be turned on, penetrate all systems, and then it will spread to other devices and partitions by other ways. maybe.

To reduce the effects of the virus, caution is not enough because maybe in a minute of not paying attention, we will become a victim of the virus. Therefore, the most effective way is to resort to software tools. iKill is a great choice.

The iKill mode of operation is initiated through device scanning mechanism 1 when these devices are connected to the computer. When the autorun.inf file is detected, the program will perform analysis to check whether it is safe to execute or not.

If AutoProtect is enabled, the program will automatically delete potentially harmful files on the phone. If not, it will ask the user if he wants to delete the files containing the threat.

1 when iKill finds the autorun.info file in the root folder of the phone, it will first ask the user if they want to delete the autorun.info file or not. If you think this file being verified is the germ of a virus, just click Yes, otherwise, click No to cancel the deletion request. The second message will appear and then again, asking you to delete the autorun.info file before choosing the ignore command. iKill will make sure that there are no other autorun.inf files left on the phones, this is a great feature that is rarely found in similar applications, for example the Wireless Config tool has a feature to help you configure Making connections with machines is also relatively well known.












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