
Download Expedia Hotels & Flights for Android 22.22.0 - Kingdownload.Net on Android

Expedia Hotels & Flights for Android is an application to search, book hotels and search for free fl..

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Expedia Hotels & Flights for Android is an application to search, book hotels and search for free flights with a lot of price incentives when booking flights and flights via mobile phones. This application is extremely useful for those who often travel or often have to travel long distances.
License: Free
Released: Expedia
Request: Android 7.0
Last updated: 10-06-2022
OS: Android
Version: 22.22.0
Total download: 840
Capacity: N/A

How to use Expedia Hotels & Flights - Android


Expedia Hotels & Flights for Android is an application to search, book hotels and search for free flights with a lot of price incentives when booking flights and flights via mobile phones. This application is extremely useful for those who often travel or often have to travel long distances.

Expedia Hotels & Flights for Android brings to Android users reservation of hotel rooms and air tickets is very simple, no lengthy procedures. You can access this application to search for hotels. on your phone at your destination, view details and book a room with just a few clicks. Especially, Expedia Hotels & Flights for Android also helps users to view information about flight routes, from which to choose the most suitable flight in terms of time, location and price.

Summer is here, if you are planning a trip for your family, then download Expedia Hotels & Flights for Android and choose the right hotels for you. You will be able to see the Review section at the end of the article to better understand the benefits that the application brings.

Expedia Hotels & Flights for Android Expedia Hotels & Flights for AndroidExpedia Hotels & Flights for Android
The interface of the hotel booking application on the phone

One Expedia Hotels & Flights features for Android:

Save on hotel bookings:

  • Save up to 40% on packages promotions in Expedia Mobile Exclusive.
  • Default uses the user's location to find the way to the hotel easily.
  • View reviews and comments of guests who have used the service before.
  • Section Room type by price, promotion or rating.
  • Rich database: allows searching from cheap hotels to 5-star hotels .

Find a suitable flight:

  • Support flight news to all countries in the world.
  • Flight classification the o fares, flight times and distances.
  • Search for airports, cities or by code.

Fast flight booking:

  • If you already have an account Expedia then Just log in and it takes 30 seconds to get a ticket on your dream flight.
  • With just one touch, you have successfully purchased a ticket.

View schedule:

  • User can view schedule of trips booked in Expedia Hotels & Flights for Android or on the web at any time.
  • Open the app to see where you are going. visit and find out information about next destinations.


To install apps for Android from Download.com.vn you must set up your device to be able to install apps that aren't on Google Play. To set this up you must go to Settings > Security > in Device Manager section, select Unknown source (Allow installation of non-Market apps).

Review Expedia Hotels & Flights hotel booking app

Expedia Hotels & Flights has relatively perfect support for Vietnamese users. You not only search for hotels in other countries when traveling abroad, but you can also search for hotels in other countries. Find hotels in Vietnam or search for details around your current location, with an optional distance in the filter. View in list or view location on map. Click on the calendar icon to select the time you need to book, Click on the person icon to choose the number of people to go with, if there are children you must enter their age.

Expedia Hotels & Flights for Android Expedia Hotels & Flight for Android
The list of hotels found on request is displayed in 2 formats

Finded hotels will have information about the number of rooms available, the distance from your location to the hotel , average price per night. Hotels on sale will have blue rates and corresponding discount rates. Don't be shocked when you see the price is too high, go to the sort option and select Price, then the list of hotels found will be sorted by price from low to high, there will be the price is so low you'd never think of.

Expedia Hotels & Flights for Android Expedia Hotels & Flights for Android
Filter and sort options for the found hotel list

When you click on any hotel in the list you will get more detailed information such as room rate per night, number of rooms vacancy, the number of stars of the hotel, the customer reviews, as well as the reputation of the hotel. It also includes detailed location on the map (integrated with Google Maps), location presented verbally, with famous places around the hotel. The services the hotel is providing such as Internet, breakfast, food service, office service center,...

Scroll down 1 After a while, you will read the following information:

  • Hotel Features : This section will describe the general features of the hotel and the services it provides such as swimming pool, spa, babysitting, bar, lounge, business center, wifi, services dry cleaning, tour assistance, travel tickets...
  • Convenient Room amenities: List amenities provided in hotel rooms such as free wifi, minibar, TV with satellite channels, room service, coffee making facilities, bathroom. shower, bathrobe, slippers...
  • Hotel amenities: List services, Facilities of the whole hotel such as restaurant, separate smoking area, Internet in common areas, airport shuttle, total number of rooms, number of floors, bar, lounge, other extra services such as: babysitting , spa, sauna, safe, luxury shuttle, luggage storage...
  • Hotel Policy: This section will briefly outline the hotel's policies such as check-in/check-out time, check-in age, required identification documents upon arrival. check-in procedures, payment methods, additional fees when using the service, special requests can be met,...
  • Fees and surcharges: The application will provide users with common hotel fees and surcharges. such as airport shuttle service fee, rollaway bed fee, gala dinner fee...

Expedia Hotels & Flights for Android Expedia Hotels & Flights for Android
Details about each hotel you select

In user comments section you will be able to read the reviews of people who have stayed at the hotel, with positive and negative feedback, you will have more objective information to decide deciding which hotel to stay in.

Another great thing about Expedia Hotels & Flights is that when you (in Vietnam) search for hotels abroad, regardless of any country, hotel information. are also displayed in Vietnamese, is very detailed and easy to understand. (Comments will be displayed in the language of the commenter)

To make a reservation click Select yellow in the upper right corner, or Select a room at the top of the map, a list of rooms will appear, you choose a room you like, the details of the room will be displayed. listed, accompanied by number of people, length of stay, total payment. Select the yellow PAYING on the right corner of the screen to provide the hotel with specific payment and personal information. If there is a discount coupon you will enter it here.

Expedia Hotels & Flights for Android Expedia Hotels & Flights for Android
Select room, view details and total payment (price includes taxes, fees)

With a unified template used to provide information for all hotels at home and abroad, you will be able to

strong>easy to find raw believe what you want without having to read colorful introductions, often read the entire article. Detailed information helps you visualize the hotel, see if it is suitable, meets the requirements of you and your family, know what to prepare for the trip, places to visit. around the hotel, what services can be used...

Although it is a free app, during testing app was not available annoying ads frustrating users. It focuses on helping you find a good motel, hotel in both price and quality.

Expedia Hotels & Flights also has flight search feature via mobile, but it is not currently applied in Vietnam.

In short, Expedia Hotels & Cheap Booking App & Flights turns your smartphone into an extremely useful travel guide, again for free. If you are a travel enthusiast, love to travel, or are planning a short break, download Expedia Hotels & Flights to find the perfect place to stay for your trip.

Ngan Pham















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