
Download MathType Plugin - Plugins that support MathType - Kingdownload.Net on Windows

MathType APP and MathType Integration help you Easily integrate MathType with web applications (Mood..

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MathType APP and MathType Integration help you Easily integrate MathType with web applications (Moodle, Sakai, Joomla, Wordpress) and manage absolute content, or work directly with HTML editing software (CKeditor, Cute Editor, FCKeditor, NicEditor, RadEditor , TinyMCE, Xinha). APPs and Integrations often enhance MathType's performance with math and chemistry icons.
License: Free
Released: WIRIS
Request: Windows
Last updated: 24-09-2021
OS: Window
Version: N/A
Total download: 1023
Capacity: N/A

How to use MathType Plugin

MathType APP and MathType Integration help you Easily integrate MathType with web applications (Moodle, Sakai, Joomla, Wordpress) and manage absolute content, or work directly with HTML editing software (CKeditor, Cute Editor, FCKeditor, NicEditor, RadEditor , TinyMCE, Xinha). APPs and Integrations often enhance MathType's performance with math and chemistry icons.

MathType plugins

MathType can be used as software as a service (SaaS), WIRIS plugins should always be installed in the web application server. All WIRIS plugins are a combination of server technologies (PHP, Java, ASP.NET) and browser technologies (HTML, JavaScript).

Missing 1 Integration?

If Web application or HTML Editor is not among the MathType Integrations available, WIRIS can develop it for you or you will be able to make it yourself using MathType integration for Generic HTML editor as a starting point , compatible with PHP, Java, ASP.NET technologies.

Why do you need MathType Integration?

Specialized MathType math software components versioning, computing , respectively, and provide the help of APIs, libraries, and web services. To ensure consistency, components that are relatively small and easy to repair, they delegate web application communication to the WIRIS plugin.

In addition, the WIRIS plugin provides the following functionality:


  1. Smooth integration of WIRIS tools possible and really simple to install.
  2. Target a variety of technologies (PHP, Java, ASP .NET… ) and HTML editing tools (TinyMCE, CKEditor…) or existing platforms ( Moodle, SAKAI, Joomla...) It is started inside the web application server for faster image delivery.
  3. A configuration file that allows you to customize many features.
  4. Plugin rich, all with same structure and share code as much as possible. Apply improvements and bug fixes to all of them.

MathType math notation software can be directly integrated into the system without are not WIRIS plugins, but they are still extremely useful in many cases.















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