
Download Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds for iOS 1.01.006 - Kingdownload.Net on iOS

With adorable Familiars, quirky Higgledies, and a bold Ghibli atmosphere throughout the game play, N..

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With adorable Familiars, quirky Higgledies, and a bold Ghibli atmosphere throughout the game play, Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds is like a breath of fresh air to the MMORPG genre
License: Free
Released: Netmarble Games
Request: iOS 11.0
Last updated: 26-05-2022
Version: 1.01.006
Total download: 747
Capacity: 1,5 GB

How to use Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds - iOS


With adorable Familiars, quirky Higgledies, and a bold Ghibli atmosphere throughout the game play, Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds is like a breath of fresh air to the MMORPG genre. As for the prologue, this RPG instantly and instantly introduces you to a vibrant world of fantasy and wonder, thanks in large part to its exciting story and great soundtrack.

Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds let you see familiar characters in the game Ni no Kuni on consoles

Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds lets you see familiar characters from the game Ni no Kuni on console

Download Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds for iOS

Truly Magical Journey

Usually, games that focus on visuals and aesthetics are often poor in terms of plot. But Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds is very attractive. Right from the start of the game, you'll be pushed into the player's position, participating in a beta test of a fictional game called Soul Diver, which lets you travel to a virtual world called Ni no Kuni.

Things immediately and immediately go awry when you are transported to a kingdom under siege. After saving the queen, you once again teleport to another ddaaats region with an energetic companion named Kluu.

Immerse yourself in a wonderful world beautiful

Immerse yourself in a beautiful world

This cool intro is how your adventure begins. And the first stop is Evermore - makes you immediately think of Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom. Here, gamers will perform a series of tasks, from protecting the King of Evermore to taking random errands to help the townspeople to boost your reputation.

Play system. Deep character development

From leveling up items to finding items. You'll be able to boost your own stats with loads of materials, as well as try your luck in a gacha pool.

Speaking of summoning, you'll be able to find Familiars to accompany you. with you on the journey. Each has a variety of star ratings as well as active and passive skills. Choose the cutest Familiars and the one that can best assist you in battle.

Social interaction, with endless possibilities

Social interaction, with endless possibilities

Beautiful real-time wars

When participating in battles in Ni no Kuni Cross Worlds, you have a variety of skills that can be equipped at will, as well as weapons with different elemental attributes. Choosing a weapon that has a more favorable element when compared to the enemy will help turn the tide of the battle. You'll also be able to switch weapons quickly to ensure you keep up with the fast paced and strategic combat.

Although you can set it to Auto battle, you also will be able to participate at will by manipulating manual characters. This control is useful when you need to dodge enemy fire. The fighting style is also based on the character class you choose at the beginning of the game: Destroyer, Engineer, Rogue, Swordsman and Witch. Each of them has their own strengths and weaknesses depending on their stats and fighting style.















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