
Download Switch to Android - Transfer data from iPhone to Android quickly on iOS

Google's Switch to Android App (Switch to Android) on Google Apps Store app helps you back up most t..

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Google's Switch to Android App (Switch to Android) on Google Apps Store app helps you back up most types of data from iPhone to Android quickly and securely. Transfer all your data including photos, videos, contacts, calendar events from iPhone to a brand new Android device without complicated cables.
License: Free
Released: Google
Request: iOS 12.0
Last updated: 18-04-2022
Version: N/A
Total download: 745
Capacity: 39 MB

How to use Switch to Android


Google's Switch to Android App (Switch to Android) on Google Apps Store app helps you back up most types of data from iPhone to Android quickly and securely. Transfer all your data including photos, videos, contacts, calendar events from iPhone to a brand new Android device without complicated cables.

Switch to Android securely transfers data from iPhone to Android

Fast and without cables

Switch to Android transfers data from iPhone to Android securely, quickly and without cables

The app also takes you through important steps other important for coffee i set my device, like turn off iMessage so that i don't miss any text messages from friends and relatives. You will still be able to receive messages on your new Android smartphone. Switch to Android app will ask for a series of permissions so that your iPhone data will be able to transfer to the device. Android.

Apple has also released a similar application called Move to iOS on Google Play. So its presence acts as a direct response to a rival app.

Download the Switch to Android (Switch to Android) app to your iPhone

Switch to Android is an application for those who are using iPhone and want to change their device to Android but do not like to lose data on the old device. Switch to Android makes it easy, fast, and effortless to start this conversion process like doing it manually.

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Learn tips for new devices, know how transfer photos from iCloud

However, there are some features that the Switch to Android app lacks, for example you can't transfer your own apps to a new device. Meanwhile, Apple's Move to iOS app has this feature, if it's available for free in the Apple App Store.

Also, Switch to Android does not support transferring messages or web history. However, the application may have new features in the future.

It is a fact that at the moment, Android devices are dominating the world market. More than 85% of smartphone users use Android phones. So, if you are intending to switch from "apple apple" to "green robot" Android, Switch to Android will support you a lot.















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