
Download Eyes - The Horror Game 2.2 - Free horror game for PCon Windows

In the horror game Eyes - The Horror Game, gamers will try to get a lot of money and run away. Of co..

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In the horror game Eyes - The Horror Game, gamers will try to get a lot of money and run away. Of course, things are not easy because the melancholy ghost will haunt gamers throughout the journey.
License: Free
Released: Paulina Pabis
Request: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
Last updated: 03-09-2021
OS: Window
Version: 2.2
Total download: 3947
Capacity: 82,3 MB

How to use Eyes - The Horror Game

About Eyes - The Horror Game

In the horror game Eyes - The Horror Game, gamers will try to get a lot of money and run away. Of course, things are not easy because the melancholy ghost will haunt gamers throughout the journey.

Eyes - The Horror Game - Download
Go to many dark rooms in Eyes - The Horror Game


Are you afraid of Slenderman? This is the character that makes many horror games for PC so popular. If the answer is yes, then you will be even more scared when you see the ghost in Eyes - The Horror Game.

The goal when playing Eyes - The Horror Game is simply to pay attention to the tracks to escape without injury, without looking at the ghost that is following her. Eyes - The Horror Game continues to build on the familiar style of free-to-play horror games, but instead of just copying the common features, this game has added many new features to the dark game in the style of " this cat and mouse".

Take lots of money and run away

Why do people like to be near scary ghosts in offline horror movies and games? Shouldn't they run away and scream? It doesn't make any sense. Game Eyes is different in that it explains the reason as below: Gamers have to wander in the haunted house to get as much cash as possible. When there's a pile of dollars in front of you, who wouldn't dare take a risk?


So, the gameplay of Eyes - The Horror Game revolves around the fact that gamers will go to every corner of the strange house to find 12, 20 or 30 bags of cash depending on the difficulty. that the player chooses at the beginning. The problem is that the house is haunted by a gloomy ghost and it doesn't like gamers leaving the house and still preserving their lives.

The ghost will leave traces of red eyes imprinted on the wall. If you see one of those eyes, run away immediately. Do you hear an unusual cry? Then stay as far away from the place of the crying as possible because the melancholy ghost is around. If you see a sign that says RUN, act like athlete Usain Bolt because the ghost is very close.

Eyes: Horror Scary Monsters for iPhone - Download
Immerse yourself in the gloomy space of Eyes - The Horror Game


Afraid to play games

Eyes - The Horror Game has a fairly simple gameplay, just move in the house and press a button to pick up the cash bags. Because the money bag sparkles in the dark, gamers can easily find it.

In this survival horror game, gamers must follow the good signs and avoid the bad signs when moving from room to room. Remember that ghosts only fly through large rooms. However, in the most difficult level, the ghost can appear anywhere.

Please choose the right direction when playing. Eyes - The Horror Game can give gamers goosebumps many times because of the good combination of light and darkness, forcing gamers to move quickly from room to room. Moreover, there will be many times when gamers are afraid of being shocked because of the scene appearing in the game. So when the ghost is really present, it is more likely that the gamer will be startled and jump out of the chair.

The female ghost in the offline horror game Eyes is directly inspired by Japanese horror movies. This is a woman (or just a human being) with long hair and haunting eyes. Although it sounds familiar, many gamers will find this female ghost much more terrifying than any monster in the free adventure game.

Eyes - The Horror Game Tips to Surviving With Your Voice Intact
Look for clues for directions in Eyes - The Horror Game


Eyes - The Horror Game Review

True to the name, Eyes - The Horror Game can make many people feel scared. Although not too creative, the context, gameplay and ghosts in the game can make horror game enthusiasts feel excited.

Gamers can explore this horror game for PC for quite a few hours because the game has 3 difficulty levels and the position of the money bags changes consecutively. You will be able to download Eyes - The Horror Game right away.

The Strength of Eyes - The Horror Game

  • The space in the game is gloomy
  • The ghost makes gamers shiver
  • There are sudden noises and images that cause a feeling of panic
  • There are 3 difficulty levels

Disadvantage of Strength of Eyes - The Horror Game

  • You can feel tired when the ghost keeps following you
  • If you choose Hard... the game will be difficult!

Eyes - The Horror Game Instructions

  • Use W, A, S and D keys to move
  • Hold Shift for quick operation
  • Press SPACEBAR to jump
  • Press M to open the map
  • Press P to enter the menu or pause the game
  • Press Q to see ghost vision
  • Search for the required number of bags of cash and attempt to find the exit
  • Avoid and/or run away from danger
  • Preserve physical strength to use in urgent cases
  • Use the map and observe the eyes to move safely
  • Push the door to enter another room
  • Press P and then press Resume to lock the mouse pointer when necessary

WARNING: The game has an unexpected ghost scene that makes gamers startled and haunted. Should consider carefully before playing.












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