
Download Tomes Mod - Magic book mod for Minecraft - Kingdownload.Net on Windows

Tomes Mod 1.16.5 will introduce introduces into Minecraft spellbooks, which can be used to activate ..

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Tomes Mod 1.16.5 will introduce introduces into Minecraft spellbooks, which can be used to activate a single spell by right-clicking.
License: Free
Released: VulpTheHorseDog
Request: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
Last updated: 13-10-2021
OS: Window
Version: N/A
Total download: 580
Capacity: 187,2 KB

How to use Tomes Mod - Minecraft

Tomes Mod 1.16.5 will introduce introduces into Minecraft spellbooks, which can be used to activate a single spell by right-clicking.

Tomes Mod 1.16.5 introduces Minecraft books spell book

Tomes Mod 1.16.5 will introduce spellbooks into Minecraft

Download Tomes Mod

When activating the book magic in the Mod version Tomes, the spell will be passive and have a continuous effect on the player's combat ability. To choose between spells that you need to cast on weapons or tools, you will be able to place these books on the table. However, if you use these spells too often, the book's durability will soon run out, so consider carefully each time you use it.

Every Tome types in Tomes Mod have 4 active spells and 3 passive spells

Each tome type in Tomes Mod has 4 active spells and 3 passive spells

Each tome type in Tomes Mod has 4 active spells and 3 passive spells. Each book has only 1 active spell that can be cast by right clicking, but passive spells can stack and will continue to work as long as the tome is in your hand. If you want to improve the durability of the book, you will be able to use the hearts dropped from zombies, villagers or witches.

Improve the durability of the books with the fruit. hearts dropped from zombies, villagers or witches

Improved durability of books with hearts dropped from zombies ghosts, villagers, or witches

Overall, the spell books in Tomes Mod will facilitate the game's exploration players in Minecraft, making it easier for them to switch between enchanting effects to deal with difficult situations instead of carrying around a lot of weapons.

If gamers use it too often, it will affect their performance. with the durability of the book

If gamers use it too often, it will affect the durability of the book


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