
Download WebStorm 2021.2.2 build 212.5284.41 - Software to support programming, writing codeon Windows

WebStorm is a powerful yet compact integrated development environment (IDE). This web development to..

2021.2.2 build 212.5284.41
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WebStorm is a powerful yet compact integrated development environment (IDE). This web development tool is perfectly equipped for both client-side and server-side users with Node.js.
License: Free
Released: JetBrains
Request: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
Last updated: 04-09-2021
OS: Window
Version: 2021.2.2 build 212.5284.41
Total download: 4759
Capacity: 195,7 MB

How to use WebStorm 2020

About WebStorm

WebStorm is a powerful yet compact integrated development environment (IDE). This web development tool is perfectly equipped for both client-side and server-side users with Node.js.

WebStorm: The Smartest JavaScript IDE, by JetBrains
The main interface of the code editor of the WebStorm integrated development environment


As an integrated development environment that works with many popular programming languages ​​such as JavaScript, HTML or CSS, WebStorm is a great choice for people who are looking for a web programming software.

Main function of WebStorm developer tool

  • A code editor with lots of powerful functions.
  • Programming quality analysis and automatic error detection.
  • Tracing, debugging, and testing capabilities with Karma and Mocha.
  • A wide variety of built-in tools such as Grunt, Gulp...
  • Powerful IDE customization from shortcuts to themes or code editor interface...
  • Works with many different VCS (Version Control System).

Introducing the WebStorm Integrated Development Environment

Everything you need in a web development tool can be found at WebStorm. An intelligent code editor that supports JavaScript and Node.js, advanced debugging capabilities, and many more tools. They all appear in an integrated development environment called WebStorm.


Code Editor


Smart Code Editor provides support for JavaScript, Node.js, HTML and also CSS. More than just CSS. Supporting code in popular languages, users can also enjoy advanced support for popular frameworks like Meteor or AngularJS and more . WebStorm's code editor will analyze and give suggestions to complete the syntax for all the ways (method), features (function), module (module), (variables) variables and (class) classes. Especially with HTML language, users also have the ability to use bookmarks for WebStorm to autocomplete or the shorthand function Emmet is very effective, helping to reduce time and improve work efficiency.

Getting started with WebStorm | WebStorm
WebStorm's wide range of built-in tools


The ability to navigate in the editor also helps you work with large files without worrying about messing up. With just the key combination Ctrl Click you will be able to go to the definition of any way, feature or variable in the editor. Searching for a symbol, file or class name with Search Everywhere or automatic error detection goes away, right in the editor with a quick- option. fix (quick fix) are very helpful.

Debug, Trace and Test

The built-in JavaScript and Node.js application tracing and debugging tools in WebStorm do not require the user to do any installation. WebStorm provides an advanced debugger for client-side code for Google Chrome (objects defined for use only in the browser), built right into the IDE so the user doesn't have to switch between the editor and the browser. browser for debugging.

How to Debug With WebStorm | The WebStorm Blog
WebStorm JavaScript and Node.js Debugging

With WebStorm, developers can choose between Karma testing tool to test client-side JavaScript code or Mocha to test Node.js code. These tools allow testing and debugging right inside the IDE, displaying the results in a very visual format.


Multi-tool integration

WebStorm integrates many common command line tools for web development. It could be the Grunt and Gulp tools that run the (run task) or the npm code quality checker. , ESLint, JSHint, Bower or Cordova allows creating mobile apps and running apps and many other scenarios.

Besides, WebStorm also works with many Version Control System (Version Control System) in the same UI, ensuring consistency for user experience regardless of their use git, SVN, Mercurial or Perforce to manage and version check your own source code.

Commit and push changes to Git repository | WebStorm
WebStorm works with many common version control systems

After reviewing all the aspects of WebStorm, it can be argued that this is a web development tool well worth a try for a developer. The 30-day trial lets you use the full functionality of WebStorm.

What's new in WebStorm 2018.3

JavaScript TypeScript

Automatic data entry in WebStorm

Automatically enter data in JavaScript


In JavaScript files, WebStorm can now automatically add imports not only for symbols defined within and based on the project. This function works when the source library is written as an ES module or a TypeScript definition file.

parameter hint

The parameter hint is now available in the JavaScript file. They display parameter names in methods and functions, making user code easier to read.

Multiline tool

Users can now add multi-line Todo comments as todo or fixme, and then, add indent to the next line to continue the todo command.

How to override

When you override a method from the parent class or interface and select it from the completion hint, the IDE automatically adds the parameters, calls super() and; typing information.

Converting Variables with Arrow Function

1 new concept (Alt-Enter) that converts a function into a variable containing an Arrow Function or a class method for a field.

“null” is better and check for “undefined”

WebStorm is now better able to detect situations where you type a mistake (TypeError) because the method is called on an undefined, null value or through a function or its used property.< /p>


Improve Angular Support

WebStorm now supports editing Angular templates better. Finalize the code and navigate to the more precise definition of variables, pipes, async pipes, and template reference variables. In total there are more than 50 issues fixed in Angular and Angular JS support.

Node.js API

The parameter information and documentation for the Node.js API are now more detailed because they use data from node.d.ts. The Go to definition will take you to the Node.js sources if you want to see the actual implementation of the methods.

Support Vuetify

WebStorm now provides code completion functionality for components from Vuetify 1.1 onwards.

React improvements

In React apps, code completion now recommends all the component cycle methods. Unresolved variable inspection will now notify the user about unresolved components.

HTML and Style panel

Test HTML Accessibility

To help users write more accessible HTML code, WebStorm added new test elements based on recommendations from the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). These verification factors include 12 tricks, suggesting quick fixes that come in handy when Alt-Enter is pressed.

Move and Extract Rules

With the new Extract ruleset action, available when you press Alt-Enter, you'll be able to quickly extract CSS declarations from one set of rules into a new, more detailed one.

Move refactoring helps you to move the entire set of rules from 1 CSS, SCSS, Sass, Less or Stylus file to another location.


New CSS coding options

Code styles for CSS, SCSS, Sass, Less, Stylus are now configurable for the use of blank lines. In addition, users can now sort CSS properties inside blocks - alphabetically or in custom order.

Tag Remove

The Unwrap/Remove action for HTML and JSX tags (available via Alt-Enter or Shift-Cmd-Backspace / Ctrl-Shift-Delete) now automatically updates the indent.


Easier navigation for tests

Structure view now shows the names of tests and sets in the file. Start typing the test name into the list filter, then quickly navigate to the desired location in the file.

If the test fails, double click on the test name (or go to Jump to Source) in the test tool window to go to the error line (if any).


Support Node.js deployment flows

WebStorm now provides code completion functionality for deployment flow APIs and allows users to debug them - using Node.js 10.12 or later and the --experimental-worker flag. You will know which thread is the critical breakpoint. You will also be able to switch between threads to see the call sequence and variables.

More mobility with ESLint and TSLint

WebStorm uses strictness levels from the linter configuration file, both in the editor and when testing the code before validation. You will now be able to override critical levels in the IDE and see all issues from linter error or message.

For TSLint errors, press Alt-Enter, then press the right arrow key to add a comment to remove the rule.

Complete package.json

For elements based on the package.json file, WebStorm now provides recommendations for the previous and latest versions.

Run Protractor Test

Use the gutter-like editor icon next to the Protractor test to run or debug the test run.

Direct Edit

Live Edit function now works without Chrome add-on.

Version Control

Version Control on WebStorm

PR GitHub

You will now be able to view all Pull Requests in your project on GitHub right at WebStorm. In the VCS - Git menu, select View Pull Requests to open a new tool window showing the description, stickers, delegate, and the changed file. Here you can easily see the difference or create a new internal branch.

Git Submodule

Use all the familiar functionality in Git like updating projects, changing commits, viewing diffs, conflict resolution, now working with extra Git modules.

Ignore whitespace

Users can now omit or trim spaces while merging data - configuration is available in the drop-down menu at the top of the Merge Revisions for… By default, spaces are also removed. removed when you use Annotate for a file.

Better support for pre-selection hooks

Commit dialog now correctly displays and handles file changes with select hooks (e.g. when using lint-staged).


New Search Popup

Unified Search Popup makes it easier for users to find classes, icons and files in the project. Or, you'll be able to use it to find IDE settings and tasks. Start with Search Everywhere (Shift-Shift) or Go to action, and then press Tab to switch search content.


WebStorm High Resolution Screen

High contrast look

To make WebStorm easier for everyone to access, the developer has added a new high-contrast interface. The IDE now allows screen readers to number lines, VCS notes, breakpoints, and gutter icons.

Configure the plugin

Redesigned Plugins page in Preferences now shows the most commonly used plugins and functions. You will be able to search plugins by category and sort them by downloads and reviews.

Drag folder to open

Drag the folder with the code to the IDE's start screen from the file manager or desktop to open it in WebStorm.

New functionality in WebStorm 2016.2


WebStorm 2016.2 is the 2nd update to the WebStorm JavaScript development environmentthis year, bringing enhanced support for TypeScript and popular frameworks, and many other improvements.

Language Support

  • TypeScript 2.0 Language - WebStorm provides support for many of the functions in TypeScript 2.0, layer selections, map links based on the resolution module, and more.
  • Switch through arrow feature. The IDE brings a new step forward, helping you to upgrade your code to ECMAScript 6. Pressing Alt Enter in the callback feature and selecting Convert to arrow function will switch to the arrow feature.
  • Replace var with let or const, you'll also be able to try the .let and .const templates.

Use let and const
Use the let and const commands

Frameworks and libraries

  • Integrating with Angular CLI allows creating Angular 2 projects from the Welcome screen of the IDE. Angular 2 Live templates also offer quick code snippets.
  • Improved React support, WebStorm can now deliver code completion and handle component properties defined with propTypes. React events have also been automatically added { } instead of "". Non-DOM properties are also not marked as unresolved, and the component lifecycle is also not marked as unused.
  • improved AngularJS ui-router support with relationship diagrams.
  • Support importing JSPM in JavaScript projects by parsing the SystemJS map defined with System.config ({}).

Angular CLI Integration
Integrate Angular CLI to create Angular 2 projects easily and use pre-built templates

Improvements in the IDE environment

  • Supports hyphenated programming language fonts such as Fira Code, Monoid or Hasklig. Just go to Preferences > Editor > Colors and Fonts > Font.
  • Improved when working with patches, allowing to work with VCS Patch easier, copy patch to clipboard, open WebStorm and it will suggest to apply. Besides that, you will also be able to drag and drop the patch file into the IDE and use Apply Patch Action in the VCS.
  • menu


Work with patches easily
Automatically suggest applying patch file when copied to clipboard

Other WebStorm Improvements

  • Choose a free background image using Action Set Background Image.
  • Drag and drop images, JavaScript, or CSS into HTML files in the editor to create SRCs, scripts or tag links.
  • When using React with TypeScript, components are automatically imported.
  • Improved UI with VCS log.
  • Detail selection of any task with Grunt, gulp or npm to "Before launch task" to configure Run or Debug. strong>
  • Fix JavaScript errors in Firefox 36 with debug settings in Firefox Remote.













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