
Download Bug Dolls: Soviet Project - Horror Game Bug Dolls - Kingdownload.Net on Windows

Bug Dolls: Soviet Project, From the publisher of Last Village, Bug Dolls: Soviet Project is a horro..

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Bug Dolls: Soviet Project, From the publisher of Last Village, Bug Dolls: Soviet Project is a horror adventure game creepy, about a small town hit
License: Free
Released: AK Studio
Request: Windows 10 (64 bit) above
Last updated: 05-08-2022
OS: Window
Version: N/A
Total download: 399
Capacity: N/A

How to use Bug Dolls: Soviet Project - Game kinh dị Búp bê bọ - Kingdownload.Net


Introduction Specifications Download

From Last Village's publisher, Bug Dolls: Soviet Project is a horror adventure game about a small town engulfed by dangerous dolls.

You can make your own. fight or hide from creepy bug dolls
You can confront or hide from the dolls yourself scary bugs

Download Bug Dolls: Soviet Project

The setting of the action adventure game Bug Dolls: Soviet Project Steam takes place in the small town of Zhukovsk. In the fall of 1991, all of the town's inhabitants were evacuated for unknown reasons. You are an ordinary resident of the city with no time to evacuate and are forced to find a way out on your own. In the game, you must explore the deserted city, solve puzzles and find a way out of dangerous situations.

Over 15 hours of exciting gameplay with adventure gameplay. suspenseful horror
15+ hours of exciting gameplay with thrilling horror adventure gameplay

Soon you'll notice what causes it for the people to be evacuated are dangerous mutant bug dolls scattered on the streets. Kill them or run away is up to you. After 1 time fighting, you will be able to craft 2 types of weapons. The location of the game is a semi-open world. You'll be able to visit many buildings located in the city, all of which are uniquely designed in their own way.

All locations in Bug Dolls are by design. unique in its own way
All locations in Bug Dolls are unique in their own way

Creating the characters and environments in Bug Dolls: Soviet Project for PC is started with meticulous precision, letting you feel all the atmosphere spooky and haunting. Gamers will not be limited in their actions. You'll be able to learn how to craft weapons and deal with bug dolls, then move on to learn the main story line, which will help you discover new locations.

Discover 3 different endings depending on your choices
Explore 3 different endings depending on your choices

Bug Dolls: Soviet Project Main Features

  • Over 15 hours of exciting gameplay with thrilling horror adventure gameplay.
  • You can make your own. Fight or hide from dangerous dolls.
  • The graphics are beautifully designed, vivid and scary.
  • Discover 3 different endings and 1 way play instead depending on c into your choices.
  • Music that haunts and inspires discovery.













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