
Download Java SE Development Kit 14.0.2 - Programming support softwareon Windows

Java SE Development Kit 14 is software that supports writing applications, improving work performanc..

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Java SE Development Kit 14 is software that supports writing applications, improving work performance for programmers.
License: Free
Released: Oracle
Request: Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10
Last updated: 04-09-2021
OS: Window
Version: 14.0.2
Total download: 3966
Capacity: 162,1 MB

How to use Java SE Development Kit

About Java SE Development Kit

Java SE Development Kit or JDK 14.0.2 is a software that supports writing applications, improving work performance for programmers.

How to Download amp; Install Java JDK 8 in Windows 10 (64-bit)
Install Java SE Development Kit 8


Java is a programming language that works with the criterion of "write once, run everywhere", that is, write applications on one platform but can work on many other platforms. As one of the leading programming languages ​​of software developers, vying with the great position of the C (or C-based) Java language which is now used in most electronic devices worldwide, from PC to phone...

The Java platform provides an environment for cross-platform software development, from Microsoft Windows to Mac OS X and Linux. Java SE (Java Standard Edition) is one of the Java types, allowing to execute applications written in Java language on PC. While Java Runtime Environment (JRE) allows application execution, (components) and applets Java elements java Development Kit (JDK) provides a set of tools for programmers to build, run, debug, and debug the programs they are writing...


Main features of Java SE Development Kit programming software

  • Support Java application development and implementation.
  • Improve programming productivity for programmers.
  • Compile and debug.

Introducing the JDK software development support tool

Users have access to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) of the JRE along with the library of (class) classes and file support for executing the application. The JDK bundles the specified source code and detailed APIs, using Java Foundation Classes which includes Swing as well as Java Platform Debugger Architure (Java Platform Debugging Structure).


By reducing boilerplate code (which are pieces of code that are put in other places with little or no change, these pieces of code cause programmers to write a lot of code. different code is time consuming), simplifying parallel programming models and using more efficient multi-core chipsets, Java SE Development Kit is considered as programming software, which increases productivity, reduces programming time.

The Java application (or simply java) in the JDK acts as the "interpreter" of the class files generated by the compiler (javac). The compiler itself will take the source code to Java bytecode and "appletviewer" to execute and debug Java applets.

In addition, JDK also provides a tool to handle comments "extcheck" to detect inconsistencies in jar files, compile "idlji" to java. Other functions include parser, debugger, editor, statement debugger...

Lambda Expressions is a new language in Java SE Development Kit 8, which improves programmability with multi-core chipsets. According to Mark Reinhold, head of design for Java Platform Group at Oracle, Lambra brings three "weapons" to Java: syntax (syntax), performance ( performance) and abstraction (abstraction).

In addition, Java SE Development Kit 8 also has improvements in type inferences, as well as the inclusion of parameters reflection . Other functionality in this release includes new API date and time, Stream API support, new Nashorn engine for embedding JavaScript into Java and Java Mission Control 5.3 allows admins to control the behavior of Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) and applications.

System Requirements

  • Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10.
  • RAM 128MB.
  • Minimum Pentium 2 266MHz Chipset.

Overall, the Java SE Development Kit includes a powerful set of tools and everything a developer needs to implement his or her own Java application, no matter what level of programming knowledge you have. Download Java JDK is tool to support running java applications essential for any Java developer.

Update Java SE Development Kit to the latest


Update Java SE Development Kit to the latest

Java SE Development Kit 14.0.1

  • IANA Data 2019c: JDK 14.0.1 contains IANA version 2019c time zone data.
  • Basic issues in security
    • Platform security coverage for Java Runtime Environment (JRE) at the time of JDK 14.01 release is as below:
JRE Family Version JRE Security Baseline
(Full Version String)
14 14.0.1 7
11 11.0.7 8
11.0.7 8 8 1.8.0_251-b08
7 1.7.0_261-b07
  • Continuously updating JDK
    • Oracle recommends updating the JDK with each important patch. To determine if the latest update is available, go to the Security Baseline page.
    • Important updates have fixed reported security holes.

Java SE Development Kit 8

  • New language Lambda Expressions.
  • Ability to loop notes (annotation).
  • Improved type inference.
  • Add method Parameter reflection.













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